If A Stocking Could Tell A Story

I have had the same Christmas stocking my whole life. So has my sister. We have never had any other stocking and we are both over 40 (she is well over it…don’t tell her I typed that. She will take my presents back.). We take extra good care of our stockings and it’s not ChristmasContinue reading “If A Stocking Could Tell A Story”

Jesus Laughs

This photo popped up on Instagram last week and it has consumed me ever since. Shocker, huh? Jesus laughs. Who knew? If you think this is irreverent than you need to click off here right now because your holy toes are about to get stepped on. We always see the stoic Jesus or the woundedContinue reading “Jesus Laughs”

I love when my child can see answers to his prayers.

 This boy. Oh, this boy. He has a purpose far greater than we realize and I cannot wait to see what God has mapped out for him. It will be anything but boring. Henry is all boy yet more perceptive than anyone I know and with that comes intense awareness of others feelings. He carriesContinue reading “I love when my child can see answers to his prayers.”

What’s A Vision Board?

Who reading this has a vision casted for yourself in 2018? Well, I have a fun way to cast a vision for yourself, your marriage, your work and your family. I love doing this and haven’t done it in a few years. Since we had a ridiculous amount of time inside this week because ofContinue reading “What’s A Vision Board?”

How to Start A Blessing Jar For Free

I just love to do fun crafty things. I also love to focus on blessings when and if possible…we all know those times can be hard though. So, a few years ago I started a blessing jar for the year. I cut some paper into strips and put it in the jar with a pen.Continue reading “How to Start A Blessing Jar For Free”

Why do I write with B, L, S beside each day of the week?

It’s Friday and that means food!! Back in the day every Friday was Food Friday over here at Life With My Sister . It’s time to bring it back! Food is one of my favorite subjects. I wake up thinking about my next three meals, the good thing is, I’m not picky. Fast food, niceContinue reading “Why do I write with B, L, S beside each day of the week?”

The Most Overused Hashtag Of 2017

What a time of reflection the new year brings to us. “Bye, Felicia” was the most overused hastag and witty comeback I have ever typed with my short little fingertips. I don’t know Felicia, but that poor girl needs a welcome basket or a party invitation in 2018.Every 365 days we get a do over.Continue reading “The Most Overused Hashtag Of 2017”

Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should

1 Cor 10: 23-24Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should. Even as adults we test this truth. We think of kids and how they test the limits. Well, we do it too. For us it looks a little different sometimes. We often want something so bad we will do anything to get it whenContinue reading “Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should”